Our Ministries
Thompson Baptist Church serves all ages through various ministries and study groups. Whether you are five years old or eighty-five years old, there is a place at Thompon for you to get connected.
50+ Ministry
Our Senior Adults and Young at Heart
We host monthly events for our 50+ crew, and you are welcome to join us. See Libby Mitchell or Beverly Whittington for more information.
Young Adult Ministry
Ages 18-35
Bro. Tanner Johnston leads our Young Adult Ministry with weekly meetings on Sunday mornings for Sunday school. They also meet at 6:45 p.m. on Wednesdays.
Worship/Music Ministry
Bro. Curtis Brewer leads our choir and worship ministry. Rehearsal is on Wednesdays @ 5:30 p.m. and other times in accordance to special events. Notable events featuring our choir and praise teams, in additions to weekly service, include Easter, Independence Day, and Christmas.
Student Ministry
Bro. Erik Medlin leads our Children and Youth Ministries
See our Student Ministry pages on Facebook and Instagram @thompstudents
Grades 1-6
On Sunday mornings they go to Sunday school based on their grade. On Wednesdays, the boys and girls are split into RA's and GA's, while they also do some activities together. Throughout their year, they have activities such as the Easter Egg Hunt, FallFest or Trunk-or-Treat, Summer Camp, and the infamous Vacation Bible School!
Grades 7-12
Our Youth Ministry is wide open all year long. Students meet on Sunday morning for Sunday School and Sunday night for Bible Drills or Cultivate Small Groups. On Wednesday, students meet for Youth Gathering. There are regularly occurring events around the year, such as Disciple Now, Youth Camp, Super Summer, Turkey Bowl Can Drive, and so much more!!!